We love to talk with people who are just starting their entrepreneurial journey. This is the time when Brander can have a huge impact. Spending an hour or so with us – right at the beginning – pays dividends. We know that we can set you up on the right path for success.
You’ve got the ideas, drive and enthusiasm and we’ve got the accounting chops to start you off right.
We have a lot of clients that were just like you and we’ve grown with them.
We can help you:
- Decide if you should operate as a sole proprietor or incorporate
- Decide if CRA program accounts such as GST or Payroll are needed
- Provide recommendations on bookkeeping software and methods
- Decide if your bookkeeping should be done internally or if a bookkeeper should be hired
- Make recommendations on orderly record keeping to ensure you would pass an audit
- Advise you on deductions and how to separate business from personal expenses
If you should decide to incorporate, we can:
- Assist you in the incorporation process
- Decide on an optimal fiscal year end based on your business
- Assist you in applying for a business number with Canada Revenue agency
- Advise on share structure of the corporation based on long term goals
- Advise on the ideal method of remuneration being payroll or dividends